Here is your weekly dose of “5-Point Friday.
Student Education Planning —
Meeting with parents to discuss how students are doing should be an amazing time for everyone. Providing parents with great things that their students are doing and showing their progress helps students and parents see what is happening at school and with their education. There has to be good in every parent meeting. That being said, parents also want to know if there are issues they need to address to help their child be the best they can be. Showing parents data will help them understand what their student is working on and where they should end up. They also need to know what we are doing to help their student improve with their academics and behaviors. One thing we need to be careful about is holding back with parents. If there is something the student needs or needs to change, parents want to know. We do not need to be mean, but parents do not like to be surprised when they are told great things about their student and soon after the meeting the student is not doing so well. Show them the data, tell them what we are doing to help their student, and let them know what they can do. Be specific with what parents need to do. Some parents don’t know how to help their child run at home and might need to be shown. Make these meetings as positive as possible. And always end on a good note. This is one of 3-4 times some parents are in our school and we want them to know their student matters to us. They also need to know we are doing everything possible to make their student the best learner and the best person ever. That is all we parents want. To know that our children are progressing and will make it in the world.
Quote I’m pondering —
'As we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same.'" — Marianne Williamson
What I am Watching —
These are some pretty amazing projects and ideas for extensions or even problem solving.
Another Favorite Article This Week —
The power of being positive is always in our best interest.
A Big Thank You —
Thank you Heather for all you do. Tis the season for IEP’s and it is hard for you to get them all scheduled when there are so many that need to be scheduled. For being a first year resource teacher, you are doing an amazing job. There is so much that needs to be done in your job and you have shown that you will do most anything to help students and be flexible for teachers. We appreciate your hard work. Thank you for all you do for the students. Thank you for all you do. Thank you.
I appreciate all of you and your hard work. Have a wonderful weekend.