Thursday, September 28, 2017

The Improvement Plan

Here is your weekly dose of “5-Point Friday. 

The Improvement Plan 
Our grade has dropped from a C to a D as a school. What does that mean? It means we need to help our students go deeper and build their successes. As Kim and I reflected on last year we found a few  hints we needed to adjust to make students more successful. The first hung we needed to do was find time for interventions. With our schedule it is not easy to find that time in our limited day, so the thought came to build in a club time for all students to participate in. This gives students intervention time as well as an extension for every student sometime throughout the year. The next thought we had was we needed to change up our English strand classes. This would take extra help moving students into a couple different classes as well as changing schedules around. This is still a work in progress, but the idea is that it will give everyone an opportunity to learn and it would mix the classes up in a way that every student succeeds. Scheduling has been an interesting challenge, but in he end it should provide great results. The third idea that came up was that Shelly needed help with the science. 30 minutes a week with every student does not build science mastery, or even come close. So we thought that science needed to be more prevalent in the classroom in the form of informational ready, which everyone is doing anyway. Adding more science practice, background knowledge, and science vocabulary in the classroom will help students be more successful in understanding the world around them. And the last idea was one that came as we read through what you wanted as teachers in the survey last year. More PD for Phonics, Language, reading comprehension, and writing. So we called in the big guns, Jennifer and Sara. Actually everything we reflected on came from thoughts teachers had as we talked about how to make our school a better, more successful learning environment. One last piece that we think will help us providing snacks and Tan’s Treats for our students. These programs will give food where it is needed for our students. I don’t like to say that we are teaching to any teat. What we are trying to do is make our school a more successful place for students to be successful in, especially as they leave us. We want them to be ready for everything life will throw at them. Education is a game changer for many students. Anything we can do to up their game is a bonus. If you have any ideas or thoughts about this plan, please let us know. We are always up for ways to make our school better.  

Quote I’m pondering —
“Most misunderstandings in the world could be avoided if people would simply take the time to ask, ‘What else could this mean?’”
― Shannon L. Alder

What I’m watching —
I love Imogene Heap’s music. When I saw a video about Imogene using gloves to make music I had to learn more. This, to me, is what our students are going to be doing in the future. Creating something to make life better, or more fun. I also wonder how this might change how we teacher or how students might learn…with a pair of gloves.

Favorite Article This Week —
This is our students. They have strong brains. 

A Big Thank You —
Thank you. It has been a busy year so far and as we get deeper into the year I see how amazing the teachers and staff are at Dixie Sun. Working with many different staffs over the years it has been hard to get some engaged in trainings. There has been many times when the teachers would not get up and engage in the activity we were involved in. Not so here. We realize that if we expect our students to be engaged, we should also. When we are learning, we need to be learning. I appreciate the support you give whomever is teaching the PD. We get comments from everyone that comes to teach us that our teachers are engaged and wanting to learn. I just want you to know that you are amazing teachers. Thank you for all you do. Thank you. 

I appreciate all of you and your hard work. Have a wonderful weekend.

Addendum: I was reminded that another part of the plan was to add Mindset to our learning in the classroom. Teaching students and teachers about a growth mindset helps each understand more about how the brain works. It also builds persistence and that it is ok to make mistakes. Growth Mindset can increase learning in everyone because of their outlook on learning.

Thursday, September 21, 2017

It’s Time to Address Your Behavior

Here is your weekly dose of “5-Point Friday. 

It’s Time to Address Your Behavior 
The district has been talking a lot about behavior the last month. Each of the trainings I have gone to have a piece about what they are doing to help support us int he schools when we have a behavior issue. So the questions that were asked of us today I will ask you. 
  • Is there a foundational understanding across the building of what behaviors should look like? We did a PBIS training at the beginning of the year. How is that training being supported in the classroom? Are the lessons being taught in the PBIS videos being modeled and reviewed in the classroom? What can we do better?
  • What are the gaps in the behavior system in our school? If you see gaps, please let us know. We want to improve anything that will help our students learn.
  • What are the rules in our school and what are we doing to support those rules? Do you know the 5 PBIS rules? Do you know the cheer?
  • Do kids know how to restore the relationship they have broken? The most important question I heard was this one. We tell them to say I’m Sorry, but does that repair the relationship? Will that make it better? Do they understand what they have done and how to repair the relationship?
So what we would like to do is know what we can do to support you? When are the bad behaviors happening? Is it during tradition time? During rotation time? When students line up? What is the catalyst? What procedure can be addressed to help students? One main idea Annette Brinkman taught me was that engagement helps curb bad behaviors and improves learning. Let us know your thoughts about managing problem behaviors in our school and your ideas to help improve them. 

Quote I’m pondering —
“The scientist is not a person who gives the right answers, he's one who asks the right questions.”
― Claude Lévi-Strauss

What I’m reading —
How do our students feel about reading? Do we listen to why they do or do not like reading? How do we change or encourage those truths?  

Favorite Article This Week —
There are some great ideas to use with kids in this article. Also to use with yourself. You are one of a kind and no one else is like you. You are extraordinary and engineered for success. Yes, YOU are. 

A Big Thank You —
Thank you Shelly. Thank you for taking on the Cultural Night and organizing the food and information to parents. Thank you for taking on these projects that always end up being amazing. Thank you for taking charge of the Safety Patrol and getting them organized. I haver had parents comment about how smooth it is when dropping their students off in the morning and picking them up in the afternoon. The students are also more confident as they do their jobs. Thank you for your hard work. We also appreciate all the work you have put into the science lab. Adjusting to the new rotations and managing the science skills needed as we improve our science information. As you work with teams and build our science learning, just know that we appreciate your help. Thank you for always wanting to do more to help our school. We appreciate all you do. Thank you for being here. Thank you.

I appreciate all of you and your hard work. Have a wonderful weekend.

Thursday, September 14, 2017

Ignorance Project

Here is your weekly dose of “5-Point Friday. 

Ignorance Project —
I watched a video this week from TED Talks. It talked about data and how we look at it. There was some great information that I think needs to be shared and discussed. Hans Rosling is a Data guy from Sweden and he talks about misconceptions we have as a society. Hans talks about how we as a population look at data and think things are getting worse. The kids are getting worse, or are they? He shares a couple graphs that show that the world is not getting worse, but it is getting better. It is all about how we look and think about our situations and the situations in our world. He discusses misconceptions society has and how we need to change how we look at things. In a nutshell the video taught me that I need to look at things more positively. The data does not show that things are getting worse. I constantly look at my situation I was in when I was younger and I have to remember that life is different now. There is so much more happening and we are so much further than I thought we would ever be. Life is better. We have so much more at our fingertips. Attitudes are better around the world. We are closer to every part of the world. We know so much more. Life is good. The bonus is that we are in the trenches making it better. You are a huge part of the progress happening in our world. Check out the video here TED: The Ignorance Project.

Quote I’m pondering —
"Never risk what you have and need for what you don't have and don't need."
— Warren Buffett

What Posters I'm Looking at—
These are math posters from one of the greatest teaching minds in math, Jo Boaler. I wish they were in Spanish. If someone wants to translate for me, I will print them out. 

Favorite Article This Week —
Spelling has always had a special place in my heart… well not really. This article explains why it is important, but why we should not concentrate on it as hard as we have in the past. Something about the flow of ideas. Enjoy. 

A Big Thank You —
Thank you third grade. Thank you for taking time everyday to talk about your student needs. I walk by your rooms at different times and you are discussing ways to help your students and what you can do to help them succeed. This has become the norm at our school for everyone and I just happen to see you doing it often. Thank you for taking the time and working for your students. Thank you for the little things to make the big things work better. Thank you third grade for your work as a team. Thank you.

I appreciate all of you and your hard work. Have a wonderful weekend.

Thursday, September 7, 2017

To Learn, or Not to Learn

Here is your weekly dose of “5-Point Friday. 

To Learn, or Not to Learn? —
What does it mean to learn? Is that what we do in school? Do we teach learning or do we expect knowing? As I ponder this thought I think back to all the students that knew the answers right away in a lesson. Were they learning? I am not sure they were or did. If they knew it I went on to the next thing. So my next question is, how do we teach students to learn? Is this what we are supposed to be doing with our students, teaching them how to learn and helping them be life long learners? Ask yourself these questions(write them down) and then ask your students the same questions on a google form, or some other way. See if they are the same or if they are different. And then decide what do I do from there. Here is a short tutorial about how to create a google form and share it with your students. Google Form Tutorial
  • What makes a good learner?
  • What do good learners do when they get stuck?
  • What do good learners do when they don't know what to do?
  • What is learning? 
Quote I’m pondering —
“"The goal isn't to be fearless, the goal is to fear less." — Tim Ferriss

What I’m watching —
Stephen Covey tells a story of how he worked with his son to take care of the yard. Lesson in teaching from the author of “Seven Habits…”

Favorite Article This Week —
The flexible seating idea has caught on in many classrooms this year. One thing that this article brings to mind is how engagement and procedures are more important in this type of classroom. Where there is more freedom there is more responsibility. 

A Big Thank You —
Thank you teachers and aides. The Dixie Sun Shiners Club time(trying out names to see how they roll off the fingers) has been an idea in the works and it can to be on Tuesday. As I walked around there was a little confusion with the switching (to be expected on the first day), but it was minimal. It was so smooth. The halls were quiet as students moved between classes. Thank you for taking on this next piece of learning that students want and need. Interventions looked good. The extension classes looked fun. I am excited to see how well it goes over the next few weeks as they settle in. I just want to say thank you fro all your work, for your helps nd for your ideas. You are so willing to do what you can to help your students. Thank you aides for taking a class and teaching something you are interested in. Thank you teachers for intervening with our students. I hope this time will be intentional and successful. Thank you for making the Dixie Club Time (here’s another name idea) work. Thank you for all you do for our students. Thank you. 

I appreciate all of you and your hard work. Have a wonderful weekend.