Friday, January 25, 2019


Here is your weekly dose of “5-Point Friday

We are at the point in the year when students feel cooped up inside because of the cold weather, rain, possible snow, and “Dinner and a Movie” time during lunch. It is important to take an extra 5 seconds and breathe before ‘working’ with a student that has made a poor choice. Right now is the time to build up relationships and let students know that we care. With the varied situations students come to us we need to give them someone to trust. We don’t have to be their best friends and we definitely need to help them do their work and hold them to assignments the best we can. How we talk to students needs to be firm, but positive. The tone of the voice can get in the way of the message that is said. Finding a solution and teaching two to be appropriate in situations where students are making poor decisions need to be the norm. Not just getting rid of a behavior, but teaching how to replace the behavior with a positive one. I catch myself not making a good decision when talking with students and I have to back off and come back to them with a better plan of action. They are learning. They are young. In some cases they are unlearning what they have been taught since birth. It will take time. Being positive about and with all students will make a difference in their lives. We may never see it, or we may have a student tell us 10 years down the road that we made a difference in their lives in that one year they were with us. It only takes the one to make that comment and it makes it worth it. For every one that makes the comment, there are 100’s more that think it and live the lessons we teach. 

Quote I’m pondering —
Breathe. Let go. And remind yourself that this very moment is the only one you know you have for sure. -- Oprah Winfrey

What’s Happening This Week —
Tues., Jan. 29 - Jennifer Throndsen Observation Day
Wed., Jan. 30 - Jennifer Throndsen Training Day
Sat., Feb. 2 - EdCamp at Tonaquint Intermediate School 8am-3pm. Show up and learn. No cost. 

Favorite Article This Week —
All it takes is a little love and a reminder that we should not let a bad moment in time define who we are or define the students we work with.

A Big Thank You —
Thank you, Fourth Grade, for all you have done with your students. They have shown great growth this year and are moving and grooving with the programs you have put together. We have seen a change in their attitudes and behavior and it makes a huge difference in the lunchroom, on the fields, and with their academics. You are making a difference in their lives. Thank you for all your planning and work together. We appreciate all you do for the students and for the school. Thank you for all you do. Thank you.

I appreciate all of you and your hard work.

Friday, January 18, 2019

The Path is Clearer

Here is your weekly dose of “5-Point Friday

The Path is Clearer—
The DIBELS data from the Middle Of the Year is looking very good. I compared last year's BOY through EOY and this year's BOY to MOY and the students have improved a little more in half a year then they did the full year last year. Even with the new sections in First and Third. The work you have done for the last couple of years is showing and it is amazing. The path we have been on is showing dividends. We appreciate all you have done. As we keep on the path Jennifer has helped us with the students will see success in many ways. Thank you all for all you do. 

Quote I’m pondering —
If you are distressed by anything external, the pain is not due to the thing itself, but to your estimate of it; and this you have the power to revoke at any moment. -- Marcus Aurelius

What’s Happening This Week —
Mon., Jan 21 - Martin Luther King Jr. Day (No School)
Mon., Jan 22 - 25 - No Power 50 this week
Mon., Jan 22 - 25 - Aides will be coming to all PLC’s this week to discuss Power 50 lessons
Tues., Jan 22 - iReady Training grades 5th:8:10-9:30, 4th:9:40-11:00, 3rd:12:00-1:20
Tues., Jan 22 - Hundredth Day of School
Tues., Jan 29-30 - Jennifer Throndsen training and observation

Favorite Article This Week —
If you are in Utah on Sunday night, take a peek at the moon about 9:00PM to watch the eclipse.

A Big Thank You —
Thank you to our new custodian Jeff for all you have done to keep our school going. It has been great to have a head custodian again and has kept the tradition of cleanliness at Dixie Sun. We appreciate your attention to detail and for helping with our new evening custodians. It has been hit and miss with our custodians for a while and we appreciate all you have done so far. You are a great addition to our school. Thank you for all you have done so far. Thank you.

I appreciate all of you and your hard work. Have a wonderful 3 day weekend.

Friday, January 11, 2019

Excitement in the Air

Here is your weekly dose of “5-Point Friday

Excitement in the Air —
I don’t know about you but I am excited to see how well our students do next week on the DIBELS test. With the work that has been done in Power 50 and the lessons, Jennifer has been teaching us about learning intentions and making sure students understand what they are learning and why. With these new things we are doing, I hope to see improvement. There is a new part of the test for students to be tested on in the younger grades, but we should still see improvement in our students. I know many of you have expressed that you have seen improvement as you have been progress monitoring your students. I am excited to see what our next steps will be when we see where our students are now. Thank you for all you do.

Quote I’m pondering —
“To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment.”
— Ralph Waldo Emerson

What’s Happening This Week —
Mon., Jan 14 - 8:15am HAL Testing for first grade
Mon., Jan 14 - DIBELS for K-3
Mon., Jan 14 - District Grade Level Training K-1 (optional)
Tues., Jan 15 - DIBELS for 4-5 in morning
Tues., Jan 15 - District Grade Level Training 2-3 (optional)
Wed., Jan 16 - District Grade Level Training 4-5 (optional)
Thur., Jan 17 - 1:00pm LRI Band for 5th grade
Thur., Jan 17 - 2:30pm Community Council Meeting
Mon., Jan 21 - Martin Luther King, Jr. Day (No School)

Favorite Article and Video This Week —
A reminder that there is always a different way to teach something if the way we have been teaching does not work for some students.

A Big Thank You —
Thank you second and third-grade teachers. You have really put your work in with the students and with teaching two grades. There have been some special times that have given you the opportunity to learn and grow with4 your students. Thank you for all the time you commit to helping your students. Thank you for finding alternatives to help those in need. We appreciate all your work and time you put in. You are important for those students in your classes. They need you and you show that you care. Thank you for all you do and thank you for all you have done. Thank you.

I appreciate all of you and your hard work.

Friday, January 4, 2019

Happy New Year

Here is your weekly dose of “5-Point Friday

Happy New Year—
Another year is here? Is it just me or do the years get faster and faster? Maybe it is just me. I was reading an article this last week about New Years Resolutions. It talked about how we make new year resolutions and within a couple months we have given up on them or decided it was not worth keeping because the goals were too hard in the first place. The author suggested that instead of resolutions and goals that we are in the habit of not keeping that we create a theme that we follow throughout the year to guide us. Every decision we make will go through the theme to see if it matches. If it does, run with it, if it doesn’t, change it or don’t do it. The theme we have as a school its to improve literacy. Every decision will be made through the lens of literacy and how it will improve our school. So what theme will you have as a teacher? What will your theme be at home for the year? What will your personal theme be? 

Quote I’m pondering —
“Every day of our lives, we are on the verge of making those slight changes that would make all the difference.”
— Mignon McLaughlin

What’s Happening This Week —
Tue., Jan. 8 - School Board Meeting

Favorite Article This Week —
These are three questions we should be asking when we meet as teams and as a school. If we can answer them honestly it will make our teaching and students more successful.

A Big Thank You —
Thank you to everyone that participated in the PBIS retraining morning. I appreciate the teachers that presented and how well you did letting the students know how to act in the school. I thought they have done well so far, but the reminder will be good to get them started in the new year. Thank you for the presentations. I also want to thank the teachers and aides that walked around with the students to remind them how to walk in the halls and how to act in a presentation. It is so fantastic how well you all do at the things you do, if that makes sense. You are all amazing and so important to this school, the students, and this community. Thank you for all you have done. Thank you.

One extra thank you goes to Lauren and all her help she has given us. She has been a huge help to Lisa and to Kindergarten. Thank you, Lauren, for all you have done for us. Thank you for all you do. Thank you.

I appreciate all of you and your hard work. Have a wonderful weekend.