Here is your weekly dose of “5-Point Friday.
Holy Freak—
I can prepare for change all I want, but when it shows up it is always a little scary. I have been so privileged to work with you over the last couple of years. I have seen improvement in myself as well as everyone here at Dixie Sun. Everything you have done to keep this school going has shown me the love you have for the students at Dixie Sun and your love for teaching. I just want to say Thank you for all you have done for me. I think I have come away learning more than I could ever have taught you. Change comes and goes throughout our lives and no matter what changes it is, we seem to make it work and keep on moving. There is so much for each of us to learn in this life. Without change, we would not learn as much as we should. I really appreciate you. Each one of you. Thank you.
Quote I’m pondering —
Worrying does not take away tomorrow's troubles, it takes away today's peace. -- Anonymous
What’s Happening Next Week —
Monday, Feb 25-March 1 - SEP conferences. Out at 12:15. Please make sure you have report cards finished and printed. Kim will have a letter for you. Let Heather know about your IEP students.
Monday, Feb 25-March 1 - Dr. Seuss Week. You ready for a play on Friday?
Monday, Feb 25-26 - No Kindergarten
Friday, March 1 - Dr. Seuss Assembly
Friday, March 1 - 2:15pm Utah Food Bank
Friday, March 1 - Spell a thin Money Due
March 11-15 - Spring Break
Favorite Video This Week —
Even if we feel like we are beaten down and on our last straw, there is always someone we can help or befriend. Be the kitty.
A Big Thank You —
Thank you for all you have done. You all make a huge difference in every student’s life. We have made huge Gains in reading so far. Keep up the amazing teaching you are doing. It is getting close to Spring break. After the testing starts. Don’t give up. Keep your class moving until the last week of school. Be positive and loving. The students will keep it together as long as you do. Thank you.
I appreciate all of you and your hard work. One last word. Relationships.