Thursday, October 6, 2016

Safe and Sound

Here is your weekly dose of “5-Point Friday.”

Safe and Sound —
One of the main responsibilities as a teacher is to make our students feel safe when they are at school. They need to feel like they are protected when they enter our grounds. This is why we need to build relationships with our students so they can feel they can trust us in situations that might make them afraid or scared. At times we are their only source of trust and safety. We are hearing about a situation throughout the country that is sending the students into a panic and some are very worried. We need to take these fears seriously and build the trust with them that we are here to protect them. If you do talk with your students about current events, please let them know that you care for them and they you will do your best to protect them. Just let them know they are loved and well cared for. Do not talk about clowns specifically. Just let them know they will be cared for and, through your actions everyday, show how much you care for them. They are kids. They are learning. Our job is to help them and guide them through this thing called life. We are here for them, not the other way around. Show empathy, not exasperation. Listen to their concerns and assure them they will be taken care of.

In light of different situations that have arisen, this might be a good time to talk about See something, Say something with your class. Talk about the difference between tattling (to get someone in trouble) and Saying something (preventing someone from getting hurt, bullying, inappropriate items at school, people on campus). Love your students. Let them know how much you care. Even the ones you don’t want to care about need to think you care about them. I know you care care, but sometimes we don't let them know. Make sure our precious students are safe and sound.

Now a challenge. I would like you to tell a student or a students they are the reason you come to work everyday and why. If you want to video the situation to get their reaction and send it to me, that would be a bonus (big candy, or just a good feeling). You have a phone. Record it it and send it.

Quote I’m pondering —
“I can’t give you a surefire formula for success, but I can give you a formula for failure: try to please everybody all the time.” – Herbert Bayard Swope, first recipient of the Pulitzer Prize

What I’m watching —
Everything Counts
When you have musical talent, you need to share it. And if you can involve your kids, that is even better. And it is true, everything does count in large amounts.

Favorite Website This Week —
National Library of Virtual Manipulatives
These are virtual math manipulative that can be used on a chrome book. Unfortunately they cannot be used on an iPad. Bummer. But there are math games and manipulative scores each grade level to use. Please use them before you have your students use them. Some are amazing and others are just so-so. But they are visual and go with concepts in your core. Oh ya, they are also in Spanish. Enjoy.

A Big Thank You —
Thank you Anita and Inez. What can I say, but thank you. It is true when it is said that the people that really run the school are the secretaries and the custodians. Principals and teachers may come and go, but the reason schools stay together and run smoky is because of secretaries. I appreciate the help I have been given and the reminders when I don’t do something. I appreciate their patience with me and with everything they need to do. I am sure there is a story or two, or three from everyone when it comes to these two ladies. Thank you for keeping our school together for us all. You make our days a little brighter. Thank you.

I appreciate all of you and your hard work. Have a wonderful weekend.

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