Thursday, December 22, 2016

Time for a break

Here is your weekly dose of “5-Point Friday.

Time for a break —
Christmas break is a needed time for all educators to take time and reflect on the year you have had. It gives us two weeks to have fun with our families and forget some of the things that have happened in the first five months of the school year. When students come back from Christmas break they seem to be a little different. Most of the time they are a little more mature. They do come back ready to see their friends, teachers, and get back into school. Please take the time to enjoy your holiday. Don’t spend too much time at the school preparing, especially new teachers. You need the time off. Enjoy your time with your family. Enjoy time away from school. Enjoy the season. Enjoy life.

Quote I’m pondering —
“Almost everything will work again if you unplug it for a few minutes… including you.”
― Anne Lamott

What I’m listening to —
Radio Garden
Just in case you are missing home and want to hear a radio station from anywhere close to home. I love the Hawaiian and LA radio stations, but they have many here from around the states and around the world. Check out Barrow, Alaska. Then look it up on the map. Yes, there is a radio station there. Put on the headphones and go home.

What I’m watching to —
12 Days of Christmas
This is great version of this song. Have a great holiday vacation.

A Big Thank You —
Thank you teachers. I appreciate all that you do. I am in awe of the amazing things you do with our students in the little time you have with them. I know it feels like there is no time and very little getting done, but in the end, the students remember the teachers who gave time to them and loved them. The academics is important, but the learn better when they are loved. Thank you for loving the students. They are better because of it. You are wonderful. Thank you. Just Thank you.

I appreciate all of you and your hard work. Have a wonderful Christmas break. Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays.

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