Here is your weekly dose of “5-Point Friday.
Budgeting Thoughts —
I went to a Title 1 meeting today and we talked about a few things I thought you might like to know. We talked about iReady. Some of the schools are having a few issues like the computers are freezing and kicking students out. Please let me know if this has been the case in our school. Sherry Ann will be heading to a meeting on Monday morning and I would like to know if there is something we need to let iReady know. The Diagnostic should be done soon so we can see more progress from the students.
We also talked about Title 1 money for next year. This will effect all of the Title 1 schools in the district. As more charter schools come on line in Utah we are seeing our education monies being distributed more and that leaves us with less money for programs like Title 1. Dixie Sun will still be a Title 1 school because we have a high Free/Reduced Lunch population. There are 13 Title 1 schools in Washington County. So our district is coming to a crossroads. There are a couple different options our district needs to look at.
- We can have less schools be Title 1, which will leave those schools with less Aides, no iReady Lab, no Title 1 money, and anyone paid out of Title 1 will need to find another school.
- If we cut back 2 schools, that will leave us with what we have now.
- If we cut back 4 schools, that will give us a little more than we have now.
- If we keep the same amount of Title 1 schools we have in our district, we will be losing a good chunk of money because it will be spread out more.
So the question we are looking at is do we cut schools that need the money, but are on the bubble, or do we keep it the same and everyone gets a budget cut? I would be interested to hear your opinion and reasons.
If you would like to know more about this, please come and talk with me. The decision will be made in the next few weeks by the district, but we can share our thoughts about the decisions. If you have questions, please ask.
Money will always be an issue in education. It always has been and it always will be. But if we use what we have wisely and for the progress of students, we will always get the best results. But money does not always compensate what really matters in a child’s education, a great teacher.
Quote I’m pondering —
"Education is not the learning of facts, but the training of the mind to think." - Albert Einstein
What I’m watching —
“Often the conversation about ADHD is about what students can’t do”… this is a very short video trying to help change minds on how we could look at ADHD.
Favorite Article This Week —
The part I love in this article is when he talks about needing a deep understanding of the skills, not just how to compute numbers. It also talks about how important number sense is in our world today. Interesting.
A Big Thank You —
Thank you teachers for your understanding as I try to schedule WIDA. I think I am pretty good with a schedule until I get something I have not had any experience with (WIDA) and we go with what happened before. Unfortunately, every year is a little different and brings with it a new set of challenges. So I adapt and learn. I just appreciate your willingness to do what is needed and help us get through this process of testing. It is a privilege to work with you. Thank you for all you do, especially when it comes to my learning process. Thank you fro your patience with me. Thank you.
I appreciate all of you and your hard work. Have a wonderful weekend.
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