Thursday, April 27, 2017

Next Steps

Here is your weekly dose of “5-Point Friday. 

Next Steps —
We are coming to the end of testing for the 3-5 grades. We have started looking at a few things we are going to do next year and how we will make it better than this year. We have set up the schedule with Jennifer and Sara for our Literacy training next year (It should be on your google calendar under DSES Staff Information). We are also working on the Tech endorsement at our school on Tuesday’s (As soon as I get the schedule it will be on the DSES Staff Information calendar) with elective classes starting this summer. Annette will visit us at the beginning of the year to get us started off on the right foot. 3-5 will be trying out a schedule that will move students around and  hopefully help every student be successful while adding in a little more science and social studies. Fifth Grade will be trying the schedule out in the final weeks of this year. It sounds like we will be doing a lot of learning next year. We will be starting a Dad’s program, called Watch Dogs, next year to see if we can get some dad’s into the school. All Grade Levels have been working on refining their GVC’s and Learning Targets to keep the rigor in the learning expectations and to help guide our teaching. We will do our best to help support and build on the successes we have had this year. One of the thing I have learned this year, and the list is long, is that the Dixie Sun teaches and staff are always willing to learn and grow. You are amazing. With the plans we have talked about and that you have had a hand in, through the surveys, we will bring you much of what you have asked for to help you grow professionally. We don’t want to overburden you, but bring you the training that you will use and implement as you teach next year. Please let us know how you are doing with the trainings. We want to make sure we can support you.

Quote I’m pondering —
“One of the greatest gifts you can give yourself, right here, right now, in this single, solitary, monumental moment in your life– is to decide, without apology, to commit to the journey, and not to the outcome."— Joyce DiDonato

What I’m Still watching —
The eggs have hatched. The babies are grey and not the eye candy you would think. But they are cute and it is so interesting watching them over time. Each bird has their own personality. Amazing wildlife up close. Another few weeks and they will be flying. 

Favorite Book This Week —
Arrr. This book is about engagement, teacher passion, and unleashing your creativity as a teacher. Great read. Great ideas. Borrow my copy if you want.

A Big Thank You —
Thank you Shelly. The Color Run was a success. Thank you for planning it all out and making sure everything was organized so it would run smoothly. It was well thought out and the students had a blast. AS I walked around the track during lunch one student walking with me told me over and over that it was he greatest night of her life. She could not say enough good about it. She never wanted it to end. Thank you for all you do for the school. Thank you for your dedication. Thank you.

I also wanted to thank everyone that helped with the color run. We use most of the color and it was fantastic. Thank you for your dedication to the students. thank you for all you do throughout the year to give our students the best opportunities to come together as a community and as a school. Thank you.

And one more Thank you for our Administrative Assistants. You deserved all that you got this week. Every letter, every gift, every bonus meal, every thank you. You deserve it all. Thank you Anita and Inez. You two are amazing. Thank you for all you do.

I appreciate all of you and your hard work. Have a wonderful weekend.

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