Here is your weekly dose of “5-Point Friday.
Ignorance Project —
I watched a video this week from TED Talks. It talked about data and how we look at it. There was some great information that I think needs to be shared and discussed. Hans Rosling is a Data guy from Sweden and he talks about misconceptions we have as a society. Hans talks about how we as a population look at data and think things are getting worse. The kids are getting worse, or are they? He shares a couple graphs that show that the world is not getting worse, but it is getting better. It is all about how we look and think about our situations and the situations in our world. He discusses misconceptions society has and how we need to change how we look at things. In a nutshell the video taught me that I need to look at things more positively. The data does not show that things are getting worse. I constantly look at my situation I was in when I was younger and I have to remember that life is different now. There is so much more happening and we are so much further than I thought we would ever be. Life is better. We have so much more at our fingertips. Attitudes are better around the world. We are closer to every part of the world. We know so much more. Life is good. The bonus is that we are in the trenches making it better. You are a huge part of the progress happening in our world. Check out the video here TED: The Ignorance Project.
Quote I’m pondering —
"Never risk what you have and need for what you don't have and don't need."
— Warren Buffett
What Posters I'm Looking at—
These are math posters from one of the greatest teaching minds in math, Jo Boaler. I wish they were in Spanish. If someone wants to translate for me, I will print them out.
Favorite Article This Week —
Spelling has always had a special place in my heart… well not really. This article explains why it is important, but why we should not concentrate on it as hard as we have in the past. Something about the flow of ideas. Enjoy.
A Big Thank You —
Thank you third grade. Thank you for taking time everyday to talk about your student needs. I walk by your rooms at different times and you are discussing ways to help your students and what you can do to help them succeed. This has become the norm at our school for everyone and I just happen to see you doing it often. Thank you for taking the time and working for your students. Thank you for the little things to make the big things work better. Thank you third grade for your work as a team. Thank you.
I appreciate all of you and your hard work. Have a wonderful weekend.
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