Here is your weekly dose of “5-Point Friday.
You Can Do Magic —
I have been thinking about some of my favorite places I have been. Walking through the woods with my family in New York State. Attending a concert with my friends in high school. Watching a play with my wife at the Shakespeare Festival in Cedar City. Playing Uno with my music teacher and friends in high school. Singing in a cathedral in London with my college choir. These are amazing memories. They were magical times for me. But when I think about what it is that I loved about each memory it was the people I shared it with. Being able to talk to them, learn together, and enjoy the time together. I feel the same way about how our students learn and grow in our classrooms. Are they comfortable in our classrooms. Are we creating an environment and situation that students will remember fondly while they learn? Do they feel the magic in the room and the learning that is going on. Do they know that what is happening is all about them and that their teacher is designing lessons about them? This is the magic that you bring to your class. Students knowing that when they walk in the room, something magical will happen that day for them. Sometimes we think students are looking for entertainment, but in reality they are looking for comfort and love. They want to know that someone believes in them. No matter what they do. If they know someone believes in them, their attitude will change. It might take years, but it will is the magic they will feel. So, teach the students explicitly with the best strategies, teach them in a systematic way, and in the best sequence and they will learn. Make your students feel loved, respected, and comfortable and they will remember you and what you taught forever. You can do magic.
Quote I’m pondering —
“Go to the people. Live with them. Learn from them. Love them. Start with what they know. Build with what they have. But with the best leaders, when the work is done, the task accomplished, the people will say 'We have done this ourselves.”
― Lao Tzu
What I’m Watching —
I really like Jo Boaler. She sheds a little more light on how believing in your possibilities will set you free. It is a month Video, but it has to do with anything we do in education. Adults have a big influence on how children feel about everything in their lives.
Favorite Article This Week —
We have talked a lot about Mindset and mistakes over the last year. This is an interesting questions that goes along with this idea. George is an amazing education blogger.
A Big Thank You —
Thank you third grade. It is wonderful how we can always find you as a team working together before school, after school, and at other times planning and going over what needs to happen in your classes that will help students. We appreciate your work and all that you do for students. Thank you for taking your time to get the most out of the time you have. And thank you for taking your schedule and making it fit to your students and to what is best for them and for you. It is a hard schedule, as 4th and 5th know. We also want to Thank Scott for all his work he has done with 5th grades schedule. Thank you Scott. Thank you Third Grade. Thank you for all you do. Thank you.
I appreciate all of you and your hard work. Have a wonderful weekend.
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