Friday, October 26, 2018

The Sequence of Literacy


Here is your weekly dose of “5-Point Friday

The Sequence of Literacy—
What do we teach first when there is so much that needs to be taught to a student that is missing so much? This is a question I had for years after I assessed students and found those that needed everything in literacy. Here is the sequence from beginning to end. If they are missing any of these pieces, the next steps might improve, but not in any way as much as if the beginning skills are mastered.
  1. Oral Language Development
  2. Phonemic Awareness
  3. Phonics Decoding
  4. Fluency
    1. Accurate Reading
    2. Appropriate Rate
    3. Suitable Expression
  5. Vocabulary
  6. Comprehension
As the first three are mastered, Fluency is the next step. Fluency is not a predictor of comprehension. It is fluency. Vocabulary is the most important factor in reading comprehension. There is no guesswork here. This is the research. This is literacy and eventual master of literacy. Starting at number 1 and mastering each area. We can’t skip any part of tis sequence. If there is a need, there needs to be instruction.

Quote I’m pondering —
“The truth knocks on the door and you say, ‘Go away, I'm looking for the truth,’ and so it goes away. Puzzling.” 
— Robert M. Pirsig

What’s Happening This Week —
Monday, Oct. 29 - Lexia Training (K-2 English Teachers)
Monday, Oct. 29 - PLC Day (DSU classes)
Wednesday, Oct. 31 - Halloween Parade. Staff Picture after school.
Friday, Nov. 2 - Utah Food Bank after school
Friday, Nov. 2 - PTA iParent Meeting at 8:15 am
November 12-15 - SEP Conferences

Favorite Article This Week —
Focusing our meeting to make them more effective will benefit our students and our focus. These are three great questions to use.

A Big Thank You —
Thank you 2nd and 3rd grade teachers. Thank you for taking extra time and working with your students that need a little extra attention. This has been a hard couple of months for you and we know how hard you are working. You are putting in a lot of extra time and effort to plan and work through the new program in two grade levels as well as work with very active students. Thank you for all you do for them. You are so important to our school and especially to our students.  Thank you for all you have done. Thank you.

I appreciate all of you and your hard work.

Friday, October 19, 2018

Revisiting a Previous Post “Planning for Substitutes”


Here is your weekly dose of “5-Point Friday.

Revisiting a Previous Post “Planning for Substitutes” —
I was talking with the Community Council on Wednesday afternoon and we were talking safety and concern came up about how substitutes will know what to do in case of an emergency in a classroom. So I thought about this. I would like for every teacher to put together a Substitute Information page that you can leave out whenever you have a sub. It is a page that will not include daily plans but will include information that a sub might like to know to help run your classroom better. Procedures that are used all the time and are not written into lesson plans. Topics like; procedures during an emergency fire drill or any emergency drill, How do students line up, How you deal with situation in your classroom, procedures for students using chrome books or iPads in the classroom, how you call on students, procedures for specials and PE, and any specific times students go to ELL, Resource, Speech, or other places, How you line up to go to iReady… There are many things that are procedures we see every day that you might like a sub to know when they come to your room. When you put this list together just print it and put it next to your sub plans when you have a sub. If you would send Anita a copy of the Sub Info also she can print it if there is ever an emergency. The biggest piece of information we would like on this page is what to do in an Emergency. Where to go, how to line up, who to they report to, and anything specific they need to know that will help them through an emergency. 

Quote I’m pondering —
“When we try to pick out anything by itself, we find it hitched to everything else in the universe.”
— John Muir

What’s Happening This Week —
Wednesday, Oct. 24 - 3rd Grade to Symphony
Thursday, Oct. 25 - Reflections Awards 6:00pm
Thursday, Oct. 25 - Jennifer Throndson Observation
Friday, Oct. 26 - Jennifer Throndson Training. 4-5: 7:45, K-1: 10:30, 2-3: 12:30
Friday, Oct. 26 - Red Ribbon Week Assembly
Monday, Oct 29 - Teacher Training Day (out at 12:15, sign up for your training at DSU)

Favorite Article This Week —
A thought about praising students for being smart. Here is an interesting definition of smart in the Merriam-Webster Dictionary.

A Big Thank You —
Thank you First grade for all the work you are putting into your “Power 50”. Thank you for all the work you are doing in putting the lessons together for each of your groups. We appreciate all the data you collected and how you used it to identify all the different needs of students and are moving them fluidly into other groups, as needed. Thank you for taking the time to spend time with all your students to get to know them. You have really taken the time to show your students you care for them. We appreciate your efforts for your students. Thank you for all you do. Thank you.

I appreciate all of you and your hard work

Friday, October 12, 2018

The Magic Formula

Here is your weekly dose of “5-Point Friday

The Magic Formula—
A couple weeks ago I was talking with Bob Sonju and I notices a huge math formula on Poster paper in his office. I asked him about it and he told me there is a formula for knowing if a student will be successful in school and get a bachelors degree in college. There were many things on it about what courses they are taking and the overall achievement of the student’s cohort and other factors like that. But the biggest factor was the quality of the teachers a student has each year. It also depended on the cumulative effectiveness of teachers in the student's life. High-quality teachers, year after year, is strongly related to student achievement and increase the probability that a student will go on and obtain a Bachelor Degree. Teachers are the number 1 determination that students will be successful. You are the difference in each students life. Teachers put in so much work and worry over students and in the end, it does pay off. We might not see it in the numbers, but we can see it in the attitude and how comfortable they are with being in school. It is amazing how a student relies on the safety and security of a school. It is not the building, it is the teachers. Teachers are the magic formula in education. The math formula proves it. But we already know you are the magic formula. Thank you for all you do.

Quote I’m pondering —
Worrying does not take away tomorrow's troubles, it takes away today's peace. -- Anonymous

What’s Happening This Week —
Monday, Dec. 3 - First Grade Activity
Monday, Dec. 3 - Jennifer Observation Day
Tuesday, Dec. 4 - Jennifer Training Day
Wednesday, Dec. 5 - Dental Presentations 3rd, 4th, 5th grades
Friday, Dec. 7 - Utah Food Bank at 2:15
Friday, Dec. 7 - Staff Christmas Party

Favorite Article This Week —
There is a sentence in the end that says “Fear leaves us trapped, but it oddly squashes future fear about giving things a shot.” Don’t let fear prevent ourselves from doing things in that might make us better. Mistakes are ok. 

A Big Thank You —
Thank you fifth grade for all you have done this year. Power 50 in the upper grades can be frustrating because of the learning spectrum from Pre-K to above 5th grade. Thank you for taking the time and working through the best way to differentiate and work with your students. I also want to thank you for letting Oyunn work with you as groups are identified and lessons are planned. Thank you for all your hard work out in for the students. Thank you for all you do for your students. Thank you for all you do. Thank you.

I appreciate all of you and your hard work.

Friday, October 5, 2018

What’s your Motivation


Here is your weekly dose of “5-Point Friday

What’s your Motivation—
How do we get our students motivated to learn? Each class has a student or two or more that seem like they don’t feel what we are doing will matter to them. They feel unmotivated by education or anything in front of them. This is a tough situation.  I found an article that talks a little bit about how to motivate people in general. It is not what we might think would motivate someone. Sometimes we think that finding someone successful and trying to do what they do will get us to where we want to be, but a couple leading psychologists did research on motivation and tried something a little different. Instead of having the unmotivated listen to advice or someone that knew the concept, they had the person teach the concept to someone else and give advice to them. They found that giving advice or teaching increased the person's confidence and gave them a little more motivation in their lives. I wonder how this would work with students? If an unmotivated student can, in some way, help another student learn a concept it might give them a little more confidence to keep learning and teaching. Interesting thought about motivation. 

Quote I’m pondering —
“If your compassion does not include yourself, it is incomplete.”
— Jack Kornfield

What’s Happening This Week —
Mon., Oct. 8 - Ballet West Assembly
Wed., Oct 10 - Vision Screening
Thurs.-Fri.- Oct. 11-12 - Fall Break
Oct. 18 - Dance Festival
Oct 25-26 - Jennifer Throndson Training

Favorite Article This Week —
We are finishing up our Wellness Center and hope to have it ready to go right after Fall Break. 

A Big Thank You —
Thank you Heather B.for all you have done this week. Working two jobs (yours and Stephanies) to keep the Power 50 and Sped going at the same time. You have done an amazing job keeping the groups up as we search for a replacement sped aide. You are so positive with students, so helpful with teachers, and so flexible in your job to make sure everything is in place. And then to be planning for a wedding, what an amazing person you are. Thank you for all you do for students. Thank you for all you do for our school. Thank you for all you do. Thank you.

I appreciate all of you and your hard work.

Friday, September 21, 2018



Sorry, I thought this went out Thursday Night. Here is your weekly dose of “5-Point Friday

We were sitting on the beach watching the birds and the waves roll in and out. Then I started watching the surfers. It was about 4:30 when they started making their way to the waves. It looked like some high school students, some college students, and a few that had their brothers or dads drive them. What I noticed is how they grouped up and worked with each other as they each took turns catching their waves. There was a respect and a way of sharing the waves as they worked on their craft. When two would go at the same time, one would bow out and wait for another wave. They took turns. The younger took almost twice as many as the older surfers. Was that on purpose or were they just taking every chance they could and the older surfers let them at it. As I sat there I thought about how learning would be if students used this same kind of idea. Helping each other. Cooperating with each other. Letting those that need a little extra help get the extra help or helping them out to bring them up to the level of everyone else. How can we teach students about how the group together can move further than one on their own. The ideas and support can bring everyone to the level they need to be and they will learn more about how the world should work than trying to do it on their own. We should not work alone. The ideas we can put together as a team or group will take us further than we could ever do by ourselves.

Quote I’m pondering —
Many a calm river begins as a turbulent waterfall, yet none hurtles and foams all the way to the sea. -- Mikhail Lermontov

What’s Happening This Week —
Mon., Sept. 23 - Short Day. Out at 12:15. Training Day.
Mon., Sept. 23 - Start with Hello Week
Wed., Oct. 3 - Picture Day
Wed., Oct. 3 - Storytelling Festival - Please promote this.
October - Fall Break, Dance Festival, Halloween

Favorite App This Week —
This was something I was looking at to curb sound in the lunchroom. It is an app that listens to sound and the balls bounce. If you use something like this, use it sparingly. The sound sensitivity can be changed. It was just fun to play with.

A Big Thank You —
Thank you for all your preparations and work you put into literacy night. The karaoke was a big hit. The parents I talked with enjoyed the presentations by the teachers and felt what they were shown could be used at home to help their students. We appreciate the time you put in for our students. Nights like literacy night are so important for us to get to know and help our parents. I appreciate what you put together to help the ones that came. Thank you.

I appreciate all of you and your hard work.

Friday, September 14, 2018

Busy, Busy


Here is your weekly dose of “5-Point Friday

Busy, Busy—
This year is moving along. It has been very busy. You have put in long hours and stressed over how you will get everything expected into your shortened day, and we are starting the Power 50 which will throw another wrench in the fire. Don’t forget to stop and take a breath. Get everything done humanly possible and just do your best. My mom told me once that Angels could do no better. We appreciate all that you are doing in your classrooms. If the students are not doing what you need, stop the program and restart procedures. The program will be there tomorrow or the next day. This is not a license to not teach once a week because you want a break, but to let you know that sometimes you need to stop and breath. Check the structure of your class. How is everything set up? Are students clear on how you want them to get places, pick up supplies, and get in and out of the room? If they are not doing those things the way you need them to, stop and retrain. After each long weekend, there should be a little retraining. Retrain on real long weekends and after Christmas and Spring Break. We are busy, and there is a lot to teach, but we are in the business of teaching students, not teaching programs. Teach the students how to learn and what they need to do to be ready to learn and they will learn. You are amazing at what you do. I just want you to know that. 

Quote I’m pondering —
You're braver than you believe and stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think. -- A.A. Milne (in Winnie-the-Pooh) 

What’s Happening This Week —
Monday, Sept. 17 - Constitution Day. Every teacher needs to teach a short lesson about the constitution. Read a book. Talk about how it came about. 
Monday, Sept. 17 - Power 50 starts. Hopefully, you have touched base with the Aides so they have an idea what they will be doing.
Tuesday, Sept. 18 - iReady Training (refer to your email for times. Please be ready and back to your class for the next group. Thank you.
Thursday, Sept. 20 - Jennifer Throndson Observations
Thursday, Sept. 20 - Literacy Night from 6:00-7: 30 pm.
Friday, Sept. 21 - Jennifer Throndson Training Day. (refer to Emil for training times)

Favorite Article This Week —
Sometimes stunners can teach us more than we know.

A Big Thank You —
Thank you, Jeremy, for picking up when Kirby left. He has some big shoes and Jeremy has done well with lunch and getting the main things Kirby did for us. Thank you very much, Jeremy, for cleaning up the things we don’t really want to also. Teachers, please make sure you tell him thank you and let him know if there anything you need. We also have some substitute veering custodians filling in and Jeremy has jumped in when something has not been done in the evening. Thank you again, Jeremy, for your help. Thank you.

I appreciate all of you and your hard work.

Friday, September 7, 2018

How Do I Learn?


Here is your weekly dose of “5-Point Friday. 

How Do I Learn?—
One of the most important things we can teach students is how to learn. They should know that what we are doing is beneficial to them and, the most important thing, that they can learn it. Some students come to us with a fixed mindset and tell us they can’t do something. Some come to us and act as if it is not important to them. Everything we do is important to students and we just need to show them or convince them that what we have will help them grow. How do we do this? Relationships is the first way. Students learn to trust what we are teaching them is important because they know we will not lead them astray. We show them they can do things that are hard and make it through. They also need to know they can fail and life will still be ok. Students also learn how to learn when they track their own learning. Giving them a goal to work towards and then have them track their learning on the journey to that goal. Students want to learn. Look at all the things they do outside of school. They are searching to learn something new. The lessons we teach will open their worlds and provide more opportunities for them to learn and grow. We just need to teach them how to learn.

Quote I’m pondering —
Every day of our lives, we are on the verge of making those slight changes that would make all the difference.
— Mignon McLaughlin 

What’s Happening Next Week —
Tuesday, Sept. 11 - Grade Level training for all Kindergarten 8:30-11:30 (K)
Tuesday, Sept. 11 - Grade Level training for all First Grade 12:30-3:30 (1st)
Wednesday, Sept. 12 - Grade Level training for all Second and Third grade. 8:30-3:30
Wednesday, Sept. 12 - Worldwide Warrior Student Leadership Training Thursday, Sept. 13 - Grade Level training for all Fourth Grade 8:30-11:30 (4)
Thursday, Sept 13 - Grade Level training for all Fifth Grade 12:30-3:30 (1st)
Monday, Sept. 17 - Power Hour-10(Power 50) Starts
Thursday, Sept. 20-21 - Jennifer Throndsen Observations and Training
Thursday, Sept. 20 - Literacy Night 6:00 - 7:30pm

Favorite Podcast This Week —
Three important ideas to remember as we start this year.

A Big Thank You —
Thank you kindergarten for all thou have done to prepare for your first couple weeks of school. Starting a new schedule and figuring out how OEK and English Classes will work has been a long process, but with the team working together it is working. Thank you for all you do for the students and making sure they come first. Thank you for all you do. Thank you.

I appreciate all of you and your hard work.

Friday, August 31, 2018

Labor Day…Take the Day off


Here is your weekly dose of “5-Point Friday. 

Labor Day…Take the Day off—
Our first 3 day weekend and finally a day to take a moment and relax. I hope you take these days and do just that. Even if it is for just a couple hours. Do something you enjoy. Read, watch a movie, ride a bike, go on a hike, play a board game, anything that will get you away from school for a couple hours. It will be here when you get back to thinking about it. The amazing thing about teachers is that we never stop thinking about what we can do for our class. When we shop we always think about how that game or activity would help your students learn a little better. There is nothing wrong with that. That shows love fro what you do. Sometimes you need to let yourself get away from school. 

Quote I’m pondering —
Almost everything will work again if you unplug it for a few minutes...Including you. -- Anne Lamott 

What’s Happening This Week —
Monday, Sept. 3 - Labor Day (No School)
Tuesday, Sept. 4 - OEK Starts/Preschool Starts
Tuesday, Sept. 4 - Team Leader Meeting at 2:30 in Science Lab
Wednesday, Sept. 5 - Dibels for grades 1-3 possibly Kinder
Friday, Sept. 7 - Bike Safety Assembly at 1:30pm
Friday, Sept. 7 - Bike Rodeo in back of school at 2:15pm
Friday, Sept. 7 - Utah Food Bank Truck from 2:15 - 3:00pm - Any help would be appreciated

Favorite Article This Week —
Last year I found this website about the Air Mail Routes that flew in the20’s and 30’s. They built large concrete arrows that airplanes could navigate by at night. How cool is that. The closet one to us is on the Bloomington Outlook. Take a hike. Actually it is a short, steep uphill walk. Pretty cool though.

A Big Thank You —
Thank you Heather for all the beginning IEPs you set up to take care of our students that need extra. It is a tough time of year to get everything sorted out and put into a schedule as you work around everyone else schedule. You are a needed resource in our school. Thank you for taking care of the students. Thank you for getting everything ready for the teachers and parents. Thank you and your aides for all the work that is done. Thank you for all you do. Thank you.

I appreciate all of you and your hard work. Have a wonderful 3 day weekend.

Thursday, August 23, 2018

Positive Parent Conferences

Here is your weekly dose of “5-Point Friday. 

Positive Parent Conferences—
What should a good parent conference look like at the beginning of the year? Just like the students, we need to build a relationship with the parents so if we call to get support from them they will be more apt to give it to us. Keep notes. Share an experience for the first week or two. Here are a few questions you might ask.
  1. What do you see as your child's greatest strengths or skills? Tell me about a time when you saw your child demonstrating these skills.
  2. What do you hope your child says about his/her experience in school this year?
  3. What are your fears or concerns about your child in this year of school?
  4. How and when would you like me to be in contact with you this year? What do you hope I'd communicate with you about?
  5. Is there anything else you can tell me about your child that you think would help me support his/her learning?
  6. Is there a question you hope I'll ask you about your child?
Let the parents know that you care and together you will both help their child succeed in school. Let the parents know you are a partner with them this year. If you want to talk with them about data, keep it to a minimum and have a plan of something they can help support at home what you are doing at school. Most parents know how their child is and if they need help. They are always comfortable enough to admit it or show it. Teachers are usually the bearer of bad news for parents. Keep this first conference positive. In fact, keep all your meetings with parents as positive as possible.

Quote I’m pondering —
You don't always need a plan.  Sometimes you just need to breathe, trust, let go and see what happens. -- Mandy Hale 

What’s Happening This Coming Week —
Monday, August 27 - ½ day for students. PLC Afternoon for Teachers. We will keep it short so you can work together with your teams on R4R and Math.
Wednesday, August 29 and Thursday, August 30 - SEP Conferences from 3:00 - 6:00.
Wednesday, August 29 - OEK Starts
Friday, August 31 - Assembly at 1:00 pm.  Reflections, Storytelling, and Bike Safety Month presentations.
Monday, Sept. 3 - Labor Day (No School)

Favorite Article This Week —
This is an interesting idea. Give students a topic and have them talk about it. What a great way to get them talking about content in English and especially in Spanish where they need the practice talking with each other.

A Big Thank You —
Thank you, teachers, for all your patience as we get 2nd and 3rd schedules taken care of. This has been a new idea for all of us and we appreciate everyone being flexible as we get the best possible plan for the students and teachers. We really appreciate all the hard work 2nd and 3rd grade teachers have put in to get this idea off the ground. They have each worked many hours getting this put together. The logistics of having the right students in the right places at the right times, as well as getting the teachers time to work together has been interesting. Thank you to the 2nd and 3rd grade teachers for all your hard work. Thank you to everyone else for being flexible. Thank you for all you do. Thank you.

I appreciate all of you and your hard work.

Friday, August 17, 2018

Here We Go, Rock and Roll


Here is your weekly dose of “5-Point Friday

Here We Go, Rock and Roll—
Friday is here and we all made it. Congratulations. Now comes the part we got into this business for, teaching, learning, and growth. What a great first week with the students. The students are ready to go. I can see it in their eyes.  
We will be starting Specials next week. You will need to stay with your students until they are in class with the specialist. Review with them how to act in the halls. Kim and I will come in and talk to your team about how you are doing and discuss interventions, Dibels/IDEL, and Lexia/iReady. It has been a great week. Enjoy your weekend.
Here we go.

Quote I’m pondering —
“The price of anything is the amount of life you exchange for it.”
— Henry David Thoreau

What’s Happening This Week —
Monday, Aug. 20 - Kindergarten School Starts 7:55am
Tuesday, August 21 - Specials Start. Review the schedule, please.
Wednesday, August 22 - Hearing Screenings
Monday, August 27 - First PLC Training day. Students out at 12:15.

Favorite Video This Week —
Working together is an important thing. We all need to get better at this. Here are some great ideas.

A Big Thank You —
Thank you everyone for a great week. From the specialists that help in the morning outside to the teachers that have the students moving and grooving, to the office staff that keeps this school running. Thank you for all the work you put in. I know there have been many hours in and outside of the school that have been put in to ensure our students get the best. 
And a special thank you to Kirby for all the work he puts in the make sure we have the best looking school and for keeping our old school safe and in working order. I don’t think he gets enough credit for the way this building runs, but it can run smoothly because of his work here.  Thank you Kirby for all you do. Thank you everyone for your love of students. Thank you.

I appreciate all of you and your hard work.

Thursday, August 9, 2018


Here is your weekly dose of “5-Point Friday. 

We will be having our PBIS rotations on Tuesday morning. We will start with a short assembly at 8:40 welcoming everyone back and introducing PBIS to the students. Each rotation is 10 minutes with a 5 minute movement time in between. Two teachers per grade level will be teaching and the other(s) will be walking with your students. We will have Paras walk with some of the classes also. You should end up at the end with your grade level to take to your classrooms. I have a poster of each teaching area for you to use.

Teacher Stations: (Please keep your presentations to 10 minutes for rotations) Touch on Respect, Responsibility, Resourceful, Safe, and United in each area using the posters.

  Lunchroom Rules (near kitchen and entrance to lunchroom): Farnsworth, Carreon
Playground Rules (outside by the basketball court): Cruz, Paystrup
Hallways (by 2nd/3rd grade classrooms): J. Gonzalez, M. Gonzalez
Bathrooms (center bathrooms across from Science Lab): Welch, Andersen
Drop Off/Pick Up Rules (by School Entrance): Hicks, Olsen

9:00 -
1st Grade - DropOff/Pick Up
2nd Grade - Lunchroom
3rd Grade- Playground
4th Grade- Hallway
5th Grade- Bathrooms

9:15 -
1st Grade - Bathrooms
2nd Grade - DropOff/Pick Up
3rd Grade- Lunchroom
4th Grade- Playground
5th Grade- Hallway

9:30 -
1st Grade - Hallway
2nd Grade - Bathrooms
3rd Grade- DropOff/Pick Up
4th Grade- Lunchroom
5th Grade- Playground

1st Grade - Playground
2nd Grade - Hallway
3rd Grade- Bathrooms
4th Grade- DropOff/Pick Up
5th Grade- Lunchroom

1st Grade - Lunchroom
2nd Grade - Playground
3rd Grade- Hallway
4th Grade- Bathrooms
5th Grade- DropOff/Pick Up

Back to classes. Review what they learned and head to lunch as normal, or semi-normal on the second day back to school.

Quote I’m pondering —
To thrive in life you need 3 bones. A wishbone. A backbone. And a funny bone. 
—Reba McEntyre 

What’s Happening This Week —
Monday, Aug. 13 - School Starts 7:55am
Tuesday, Aug. 14 - PBIS Rotations
Friday, Aug 17 -  Kindergarten Open House, Fire Drill 1:00pm

Favorite Article This Week —
Three important ideas to remember as we start this year.

A Big Thank You —
Thank you for all your preparations and work you put into your classrooms and curriculum. Thank you for being at Dixie Sun. Thank you for taking our wonderful students and providing them with an opportunity to succeed. You have so much to offer our students. Thank you.

I appreciate all of you and your hard work.