Here is your weekly dose of “5-Point Friday.
Revisiting a Previous Post “Planning for Substitutes” —
I was talking with the Community Council on Wednesday afternoon and we were talking safety and concern came up about how substitutes will know what to do in case of an emergency in a classroom. So I thought about this. I would like for every teacher to put together a Substitute Information page that you can leave out whenever you have a sub. It is a page that will not include daily plans but will include information that a sub might like to know to help run your classroom better. Procedures that are used all the time and are not written into lesson plans. Topics like; procedures during an emergency fire drill or any emergency drill, How do students line up, How you deal with situation in your classroom, procedures for students using chrome books or iPads in the classroom, how you call on students, procedures for specials and PE, and any specific times students go to ELL, Resource, Speech, or other places, How you line up to go to iReady… There are many things that are procedures we see every day that you might like a sub to know when they come to your room. When you put this list together just print it and put it next to your sub plans when you have a sub. If you would send Anita a copy of the Sub Info also she can print it if there is ever an emergency. The biggest piece of information we would like on this page is what to do in an Emergency. Where to go, how to line up, who to they report to, and anything specific they need to know that will help them through an emergency.
Quote I’m pondering —
“When we try to pick out anything by itself, we find it hitched to everything else in the universe.”
— John Muir
— John Muir
What’s Happening This Week —
Wednesday, Oct. 24 - 3rd Grade to Symphony
Thursday, Oct. 25 - Reflections Awards 6:00pm
Thursday, Oct. 25 - Jennifer Throndson Observation
Friday, Oct. 26 - Jennifer Throndson Training. 4-5: 7:45, K-1: 10:30, 2-3: 12:30
Friday, Oct. 26 - Red Ribbon Week Assembly
Monday, Oct 29 - Teacher Training Day (out at 12:15, sign up for your training at DSU)
Favorite Article This Week —
A thought about praising students for being smart. Here is an interesting definition of smart in the Merriam-Webster Dictionary.
A Big Thank You —
Thank you First grade for all the work you are putting into your “Power 50”. Thank you for all the work you are doing in putting the lessons together for each of your groups. We appreciate all the data you collected and how you used it to identify all the different needs of students and are moving them fluidly into other groups, as needed. Thank you for taking the time to spend time with all your students to get to know them. You have really taken the time to show your students you care for them. We appreciate your efforts for your students. Thank you for all you do. Thank you.
I appreciate all of you and your hard work
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