Here is your weekly dose of “5-Point Friday.
Assessing the Learning —
I was reading a blog and I read a thought about assessments. If we give an assessment and we don’t do anything with it to help the learning, whey did we give the assessment? Assessments should be used to guide what we teach and how we teach it. Small assessments can be used to see if students are understanding what is being taught in the moment. Larger Assessments can be used to guide the instruction for the unit. My question is this. Do we only give the larger tests at the end of the unit when we are finished with the unit, or do we give it in the middle to see what they know and what we still need to teach? All tests should be formative. Dibels is formative. We can use SAGE as a formative test as we use last years data to guide our instruction the following year. Assessments do not need to be 25+ questions. There just needs to be enough questions to help us understand if they understand it. How are you assessing students, and what are you using those assessments for?
Quote I’m pondering —
“Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle.” — Philo
Favorite Infographic This Week —
America speaks so differently. It is interesting what people call a role poly around the US.
Favorite Article This Week —
A thought about assessments and how to look at the data we gather from them. What do we do with the data we gather?
A Big Thank You —
Thank you Kathy for taking on the Lego League and giving a hand full of students a way to explore and grow. They are excited and have taken coding to a new level at Dixie Sun. Thank you for the extra hours. Thank you for the help and kindness you have given the students. Do well on Saturday. I am excited for the future of this program and what our students at Dixie Sun will do. Thank you for all you do. Thank you.
I appreciate all of you and your hard work. Have a wonderful weekend.
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