Thursday, April 12, 2018



Here is your weekly dose of “5-Point Friday. 

At our Behavior Management training this week I read a saying that reminded me of what we need to remember as teachers. Pat Cross said, “If it weren’t for students impeding our progress in our race to the end of the term, we could certainly be sure of covering the material. The question, however, is not whether we, as teachers, can get t the end of the text of the end of the term, but whether our students are with us on that journey.” We control what happens in our classrooms. We control the environment and how engaging our lessons are. We control how we act and react to what students do each do. We control how we perceive the actions of others. We control us. We cannot control students. We do not control student behavior. If we try to we will end up in a  fight-or-flight situation for the student and the teacher. When a student misbehaves, we need to remember it is not a threat to us. We need to address the situation with the student and move on. We need to remember to answer the question, What is best for the student? Forcing the student to do something is trying to control them. We need to find a way to change their behavior by thinking it as a puzzle that needs to be solved, but not a threat to be removed. One of the reasons Kim challenged each of us to take on a child in our class is to alleviate some of these behavior issues. If we build a relationship with our students they will work with us. If we demand and control, they will end up worse then they already are. Let’s make their days better for being here. If we create excitement for them being here, they will do more of what we ask. Thank you for all you do. 

Quote I’m pondering —
“Enthusiasm is one of the most powerful engines of success. When you do a thing, do it with all your might. Put your whole soul into it. Stamp it with your own personality. Be active, be energetic, be enthusiastic and faithful, and you will accomplish your object. Nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson

What I am Watching —
This is a great video explaining what these are. We all need a Growth Mindset. It makes life less stressful.

Favorite Article This Week —
Grading is always a tough thing to do. That was the first major conundrum I ran into my first year of teaching. I am not a fan of grading elementary students. Labels an wait until high school.

A Big Thank You —
Thank you teachers and staff that helped during the Open House. We are in need of students at our school and We sure appreciate taking some time to walk around with the few parents that did come and help show off how wonderful our school is. Thank you for taking time out of your schedule and help promote our school. We appreciate your dedication and help. Thank you for all you do. Thank you.

I appreciate all of you and your hard work. Have a wonderful weekend.

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