Friday, April 26, 2019

A Sense of Progress Is in the Air

Here is your weekly dose of “5-Point Friday

A Sense of Progress Is in the Air—
I read an article about setting ideals and goals. Ideals is where we want to be. Ideals change for students every year and sometimes throughout the year. They change for us as teachers as we see new ways to teach. As we When we set our goals as a teacher or class it is more important to measure ourselves against where we have been and not the ideal. If we measure ourselves or students on the ideal there will always be a gap. This does not make anyone happy. Closing the gap takes time, sometimes it takes a lot of time. Years. And years. But if we measure ourselves or students against where they were in the beginning,everyone experiences satisfaction and happiness and we will all be ready for the next step to get us closer to the ideal. Reaching goals brings happiness and confidence. We should review the progress we are making regularly to see if we need to adjust or keep on the path. Reviewing keeps us appreciate the little things that lead up to the goals. Students need these little things to help them see where they are in the path to the goal. Focusing on the gain and progress will create a positive feeling and memory that leads to a positive past. We have negative memories with different subjects in school because we were focusing on the ideal not the gains we were making. When we are always in the gap and not seeing gains we do not feel the joy of accomplishment. We put all this effort into getting to the ideal but it doesn’t seem to get closer. Measuring gains helps us see what we have accomplished and pushes us forward to achieve the next goal that will get us to the ideal. Having students measure where they are and seeing that they are improving and getting closer to the goals we help them set helps motivate students to do better. Not every student will seem motivated, but that is the 10-15% of students. That leaves 85-90% that will be motivated. Those are great percentages. Goals we set in class are the learning targets we shoot for over a course of time based on learning outcomes in our daily lessons. These should be specific and measurable. Students need to know what they are shooting for in small chunks. A road map. This is where we are going (ideal, GVC) and the way we get there is by taking this route (learning targets) on these streets (daily learning outcomes). Every step of the way we measure and celebrate moving to the next goal. We all need hope. Hope is a by product of confidence, which is a by product of past success.  The more we all succeed the more hope we have and the greater our outlook on life is. The end of year tests are not the ideal or goal we are shooting for. It is the learning and growth from year to year for the students. Progress is we want to see in ourselves and the ones we teach. I sense the progress happening in our school. 

Quote I’m pondering —
The size of your success is measured by the strength of your desire, the size of your dream and how you handle disappointment along the way. -- Robert Kiyosaki

What’s Happening —
Mon. April 29 - TAT 3rd Grade 8:15
Tues. April 30 - Choir Concert 2:30
Wed., May 1 - PLC 8:15
Thu., May 2 - Mini Color Run for Boxtops
Fri., May 3 - Last School Store 10:00am
Fri., May 3 - Retirement Party 1:30-4:00
Mon. May 6 - TAT 4th Grade 8:15
Mon. May 6 - Dibels 9-12
Mon. May 6 - Assembly 9:30
Mon. May 6 - Kinder Program
Tues. May 7 - Dibels 9-12
Tues. May 7 - Bike Assembly 2:45
Tues. May 7 - Kinder Program
Wed., May 8 - Bike to School 8-9
Wed., May 8 - Kinder Program
Fri., May 10 - Last Day Take Home Library
Fri. May 10 - Bus Ride Karaoke 1:30
April 29-May 3 - Lunch Workers: Marchant and 2 from Ping/FuchsMay 6-May 10 - Lunch Workers: Sorry, I didn’t have the list with me.

Favorite Article This Week —
This time of year I usually feel a little overwhelmed with testing and my kids getting all their final assignments done. Simplicity is important in times like these.

A Big Thank You —
Thank you for 5th grade for your help with knowing what we need to do at the end of the year. As you sat down with us you really helped us understand what we need to do and what is coming up. Thank you for brainstorming with us to make sure we have all the awards ready. We appreciate your willingness to help and guide us through the rest of this year. Thank you for giving us ideas that will make next year run smoothly for everyone. We appreciate everyone for helping us. Fifth grade, you have helped us get ready for the end of year assembly. That will be a big one. Thank you for all your hard work with the 5th-grade students. They are amazing and I am sure they will do you proud as they go to Lava Ridge. Thank you for all you have done for the school. Thank you.

I appreciate all of you and your hard work.

Friday, April 19, 2019

I'm in Control

Here is your weekly dose of “5-Point Friday

I'm in Control  —
Pat Cross said, “If it weren’t for students impeding our progress in our race to the end of the term, we could certainly be sure of covering the material. The question, however, is not whether we, as teachers, can get to the end of the text at the end of the term, but whether our students are with us on that journey.” We control what happens in our classrooms. We control the environment and how engaging our lessons are. We control how we act and react to what students do each day. We control how we perceive the actions of others. We control us. We cannot control students. We do not control student behavior. If we try we end up in a fight-or-flight situation for the student and the teacher. When a student misbehaves (talks, walks, does nothing, etc.), we need to remember it is not a threat to us. Address the situation with the student and move on. Answer the question, What is best for the student? We can find a way to change their behavior by thinking it as a puzzle that needs to be solved, not a threat to be removed. A physical threat is a different situation that needs a different consequence, but we still need to ask, What is best for the student? Let’s make their days better for being here.

Quote I’m pondering —
To think is easy. To act is hard. But the hardest thing in the world is to act in accordance with your thinking. ― Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

What’s Happening —
Mon. April 22 - No School
Tues. April 23 - Character Ed/Steam - PLC Making Class Lists
Tues. April 24 - Character Ed/Steam - PLC Making Class Lists
Fri., Apr. 26 - No Fit Walk
Fri., Apr. 26 - Field Day 1st-2nd grades
Fri., Apr. 26 - Last School Store 10:00am
Fri., Apr. 26 - Ice Cream During Lunch
Mon. April 29 - TAT 3rd Grade 8:15
Tues. April 30 - Choir Concert 2:30
Wed., May 1 - PLC 8:15
Thu., May 2 - Mini Color Run for Boxtops
Fri., May 3 - Last School Store 10:00am
April 15-18 - Lunch Workers: Beraz and 2 from Sparks/Paxman
April 29-May 3 - Lunch Workers: Marchant and 2 from Ping/Fuchs

Favorite Article This Week —
Dwayne Wade is a basketball player that is retiring this year. This short video is a tribute to him. Who would trade jerseys with us at the end of our careers?

A Big Thank You —
Thank you, Mrs. Howard, Mrs. Clark and Mr. Hansen for all you do for our students that need a little more attention at our school. You are truly always thinking about how to help and work with students in our school. What a resource you are to teachers. We appreciate all your time and effort in making sure students are getting their needs met each day. We appreciate all you do for students and for teachers. We appreciate your help. Thank you for all you have done. Thank you.

I appreciate all of you and your hard work. Have a great 4 day weekend.

Friday, April 12, 2019

Ignorance Project

Here is your weekly dose of “5-Point Friday

Ignorance Project —
I watched a video this week from TED Talks. It talked about data and how we look at it. There was some great information that I think needs to be shared and discussed. Hans Rosling is a Data guy from Sweden and he talks about misconceptions we have as a society. Hans talks about how we as a population look at data and think things are getting worse. The kids are getting worse, or are they? He shares a couple of graphs that show that the world is not getting worse, but it is getting better. It is all about how we look and think about our situations and the situations in our world. He discusses misconceptions society has and how we need to change how we look at things. In a nutshell, the video taught me that I need to look at things more positively. The data does not show that things are getting worse. I constantly look at my situation I was in when I was younger and I have to remember that life is different now. There is so much more happening and we are so much further than I thought we would ever be. Life is better. We have so much more at our fingertips. Attitudes are better around the world. We are closer to every part of the world. We know so much more. Life is good. The bonus is that we are in the trenches making it better. You are a huge part of the progress happening in our world. Check out the 20-minute video at TED: The Ignorance Project.

Quote I’m pondering —
Never look down on anybody unless you’re helping them up.” —Jesse Jackson 

What’s Happening —
*Mon., Apr. 15 - TAT with 2nd grade 8:00
*Monday Dress up day- Chick Day
*Tuesday Dress up day- Bunny Day
*Wed., Apr. 17 - Faculty Meeting w/Tami Curtis 8:00 am
*Wednesday Dress up day- Egg Day
*Wed., Apr. 17 - Fire Drill 2:15 pm
*Thursday Dress up day- Pastel Day
*Sat., Apr. 20-First day of National Park Week-Free Entrance
*April 19-22 - Easter Break
*April 15-18 - Lunch Workers: Cox
*Tues. April 23 - Character Ed/Steam - PLC Making Class Lists
*Tues. April 24 - Character Ed/Steam - PLC Making Class Lists
*Fri., Apr. 26 - No Fit Walk
*Fri., Apr. 26 - Field Day 1st-2nd grades
*Fri., Apr. 26 - Last School Store 10:00am
*April 15-18 - Lunch Workers: Beraz and 2 from Sparks/Paxman

Favorite Article This Week —
Progress, not perfection. That is what we are looking for, or should be, in ourselves and others. I love the last paragraph.

A Big Thank You —
Thank you Lunch PD group this last week. What a great discussion we had about vocabulary and what great things are happening in the classrooms and for discussing new ideas to use in the classroom. What an amazing opportunity Susan and Lesa have out together to have wonderful discussions. And discuss we did. I appreciate the thought that went into the articles and for coming prepared with what you learned and questions you had. The one constant that we have in education is that there is not enough time to get everything in. I sure appreciate all the time and effort you put into your students. Thank you for a wonderful discussion. Thank you for all you do for the students. Thank you for all you do. Thank you.

I appreciate all of you and your hard work.