Friday, April 19, 2019

I'm in Control

Here is your weekly dose of “5-Point Friday

I'm in Control  —
Pat Cross said, “If it weren’t for students impeding our progress in our race to the end of the term, we could certainly be sure of covering the material. The question, however, is not whether we, as teachers, can get to the end of the text at the end of the term, but whether our students are with us on that journey.” We control what happens in our classrooms. We control the environment and how engaging our lessons are. We control how we act and react to what students do each day. We control how we perceive the actions of others. We control us. We cannot control students. We do not control student behavior. If we try we end up in a fight-or-flight situation for the student and the teacher. When a student misbehaves (talks, walks, does nothing, etc.), we need to remember it is not a threat to us. Address the situation with the student and move on. Answer the question, What is best for the student? We can find a way to change their behavior by thinking it as a puzzle that needs to be solved, not a threat to be removed. A physical threat is a different situation that needs a different consequence, but we still need to ask, What is best for the student? Let’s make their days better for being here.

Quote I’m pondering —
To think is easy. To act is hard. But the hardest thing in the world is to act in accordance with your thinking. ― Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

What’s Happening —
Mon. April 22 - No School
Tues. April 23 - Character Ed/Steam - PLC Making Class Lists
Tues. April 24 - Character Ed/Steam - PLC Making Class Lists
Fri., Apr. 26 - No Fit Walk
Fri., Apr. 26 - Field Day 1st-2nd grades
Fri., Apr. 26 - Last School Store 10:00am
Fri., Apr. 26 - Ice Cream During Lunch
Mon. April 29 - TAT 3rd Grade 8:15
Tues. April 30 - Choir Concert 2:30
Wed., May 1 - PLC 8:15
Thu., May 2 - Mini Color Run for Boxtops
Fri., May 3 - Last School Store 10:00am
April 15-18 - Lunch Workers: Beraz and 2 from Sparks/Paxman
April 29-May 3 - Lunch Workers: Marchant and 2 from Ping/Fuchs

Favorite Article This Week —
Dwayne Wade is a basketball player that is retiring this year. This short video is a tribute to him. Who would trade jerseys with us at the end of our careers?

A Big Thank You —
Thank you, Mrs. Howard, Mrs. Clark and Mr. Hansen for all you do for our students that need a little more attention at our school. You are truly always thinking about how to help and work with students in our school. What a resource you are to teachers. We appreciate all your time and effort in making sure students are getting their needs met each day. We appreciate all you do for students and for teachers. We appreciate your help. Thank you for all you have done. Thank you.

I appreciate all of you and your hard work. Have a great 4 day weekend.

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