Friday, May 3, 2019

Why Do You Do This?


Here is your weekly dose of “5-Point Friday. Sorry it was late this week.

Why Do You Do This? —
We are close to being done. This 5-Point Friday has been something I have done for a while. I based it on a 5 Bullet Friday that Tim Ferris does every week. His is more about items and ideas he uses to help people be better, but I wanted to do something that forced me to learn something new every week. This email is more for me to write about my thoughts and share the articles, videos, and a few ideas and share them with you. I feel that I need to model the learning I want teachers and students to do. If I am a Learning Coach and I expect those around me to learn, I need to model that by learning and sharing my learning with those around me. It has forced me to read more, keep my eyes open for things that would help you as well as me, and hopefully somewhere in these emails there will be something you can use in your classroom or just cause you to reflect about teaching. Some Thursdays I have not wanted to write, but I felt I needed to whether anyone reads it or not. I learned that I needed to do this early on. 

Quote I’m pondering —
With realization of one's own potential and self-confidence in one's ability, one can build a better world.-- Dalai Lama

What’s Happening —
Mon. May 6 - TAT 4th-5th Grade 8:15
Mon. May 6 - Dibels 9-12
Mon. May 6 - Assembly 9:30
Mon. May 6 - Kinder Program
Tues. May 7 - Dibels 9-12
Tues. May 7 - Bike Assembly 1:30
Tues. May 7 - Kinder Program
Wed., May 8 - Bike to School 8-9
Wed., May 8 - Kinder Program
Fri., May 10 - Last Day Take Home Library
Fri. May 10 - Bus Ride Karaoke 1:30
Mon. May 13 - No Kinder
Tues. May 14 - No Kinder
Tues. May 14 - Strong Man Assembly 2:30
Wed., May 15 - No Kinder
Thu., May 16 - No Kinder
Thu., May 16 - Fifth Grade Program 1:30
Fri., May 17 - No Kinder

May 23 - Last Day of School
May 6-10 - Lunch Workers: Din and 2 from Tuitavuki/Marchant
May 13-17- Lunch Workers: Cox and 2 from Bringhurst/Seegmiller

Favorite Article This Week —
We are our own toughest critic. A few changes in the way we talk to ourselves will help us be less critical of ourselves. 

A Big Thank You —
Thank you, teachers. You are all amazing. Thank you for choosing this path in life. For caring about children enough to want to help them be successful. Thank you for endless hours of planning, preparation, helping students, and making sure each child is receiving gate best education possible. Even though what you have to do is difficult at times, you make it fun. You have the power to change lives and you take it seriously. Thank you for taking the time to shape the minds of students and your colleagues. Thank you for being teachers. Thank you for all that you do. Thank you.

I appreciate all of you and your hard work.

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