Friday, October 18, 2019

Have a Wonderful Weekend


Here is your weekly dose of “5-Point Friday. 

Have a Wonderful Weekend —
I hope you are taking a break. Not thinking about school, but just spending time with those you love.

Quote I’m pondering —
“Almost everything will work again if you unplug it for a few minutes, including you.” —Anne Lamott

What’s Happening —
This Coming Week
In Two Weeks
Oct. 22 - Storytelling Festival
Oct. 23 - Intervention Meetings (schedule below)
Oct. 24 - 4th Grade PD
Oc. 25 - Meet the Masters
Oct. 25 - Aide Training 9:00 am
Oct. 28 - Teacher Training Afternoon out at 1:15 training at 1:30 in library.
Oct. 28 - Nov. 1 - Red Ribbon Week
Oct. 31 - Halloween Parade 2:45 pm

Favorite App This Week —
This app for your smartphone is amazing. Click on the little dot in a box in the search box and it will open Google Lens. Point it at anything and click the button on the bottom. It will show you that item. Leaf? It will tell you the tree, with 80% accuracy. Bug? Book? Bar code? It will show you online prices. Pretty fun.

A Big Thank You —
Thank you, teachers. Thank you for everything you are doing to help students improve their literacy. Thank you for working with the aides and helping them get started. Thank you for seeing the value in the interventions and getting students the help they need so they can be successful. Teachers, what you do is very important. Thank you for all that you do. Thank you.

+1 Intervention Meeting Schedule
Please make sure you are ready to go with your intervention assessment data. Make sure your data is in the school Assessment spreadsheet. We will be assigning aides and teachers with specific groups and making sure everyone is on the same page. Thank you for all your help.
9:00 - 3rd
10:00 - 2nd
11:00 - 1st
12:30 - 5th
1:30 - Kinder
2:30 - 4th

I appreciate all of you and your hard work.

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