Friday, November 1, 2019



Here is your weekly dose of “5-Point Friday. 

Mindset —
A couple years ago I took an online class from Jo Boaler, an incredible Stanford Math professor, about how students learn math. One of the things I learned from her was that I needed to change my mindset on how students learn. Mindsets frame what is going on in our minds. There are two mindsets. A fixed mindset or a growth mindset. The research Carol Dweck has done teaches us that a fixed mindset is an internal monologue focused on judging. A growth mindset has an internal monologue, but it is focused on implications for learning and constructive actions. The trick is to find what situations we use which mindset with and change the internal monologue from a judging one to a growth-oriented one. How does this apply to what we do here at school? How can a growth mindset change the way we teach, learn, and work with students? Curriculum? Student Engagement? Homework? Planning? Working within teams? Coke vs. Water (this ones for me). How does this apply to us? A growth mindset helps us to become a learner rather than a non-learner. Our school is full of growth mindset teachers. Full of learners.

Quote I’m pondering —
With realization of one's own potential and self-confidence in one's ability, one can build a better world.-- Dalai Lama

What’s Happening —
This Coming Week
In Two Weeks
Mon. Nov. 4 - Pie with the Principal 2:30 pm
Tue. Nov. 5 - Reflection projects are Due
Wed. Nov. 5 - TAT 3rd grade
Thu. Nov. 7 - 4th PD Day
Thu. Nov. 7 - Reflections Night 6 pm
Nov. 11-5 - SEP Week out at 1:15 pm
Nov. 11 - Veterans Day
Nov. 11 - PTA Meeting 12 pm

Nov. 26 - Reunification Drill
Nov. 27-29 - Thanksgiving Break

Favorite Article This Week —
I never thought about this. One thing I thought was interesting was when Shanahan writes, “Often kids enter kindergarten or first-grade with the expectation that they are to learn to read that year. Spreading this expectation across 3-4 years can reduce pressure and anxiety.” Interesting thought.

A Big Thank You —
Thank you Brenda for your constant help when I am unsure what the procedures are that have been set up over the years. The basic things, like where do we line up? How do certain things work? It is the little things that make such a big difference. I appreciate your help. I appreciate all you have done at  Arrowhead and during your career. Thank you for all that you do. Thank you.

I appreciate all of you and your hard work.

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