Friday, January 31, 2020

My Teacher Forever (revisited)


Here is your weekly dose of “5-Point Friday. 

My Teacher Forever —
I was participating in a #youmatter chat on twitter and a comment came up that interested me. It was from Justine Tarte from St. Louis Missouri. He said "Highly effective teachers don't just have students for one year; they have students who view them as 'their' teacher for life...". I thought about this for a moment and it is true. The teachers I remember that I consider "my" teachers are the ones that really had an impact on me. Mrs. Durbin my kindergarten teacher took time with me and helped be start out to be a pretty good reader. My third grade teacher Mrs. Fanning really helped me understand math and we had some great waffle parties. Sixth grade was Mr. Neighbor and he pushed me to do better. I wasn't fond of him because he was mean, but he was "my" teacher because he pushed and I grew. I had others but the one teacher I call “my teacher” was Mr. Frieberg. High school music teacher. I had him for 3 years and my friends and I got to know him pretty well. He took time to explain life to us. He scolded us when we were making bad choices. He praised us when we were doing well. He took time to find out who we were and we found out who he was. He took time. I don't remember most of my teachers. I would have to look back to see what they even looked like. So who are "your" teachers? Who made an impact on you? And what are you doing to make an impact on your students so they will consider you "their" teacher after they leave? What a badge of love to get from a student. My teacher forever. 

Quote I’m pondering —
“And I urge you to please notice when you are happy, and exclaim or murmur or think at some point, ‘If this isn’t nice, I don’t know what is.” ― Kurt Vonnegut

What’s Happening —
This Coming Week
In Two Weeks
Feb. 3-7 - Family Life Week
Mon. Feb 3 - Teacher Training Day, our at 1:15 - meet at Crimson View Elem. @ 2pm. 
Wed. Feb 5 - Dudes and Donuts 8-9 am
Thu. Feb 6 - AES Culture Night 5:30-7
Fri. Feb 7 - Divas and Donuts 8-9 am
Mon. Feb 10 - PTSA Mtg 12:15 pm
Fri. Feb 14 - Science Fair Assemblies
Feb 17 - President’s Day
Feb 24-28 SEP Week  Online Scheduler is up for you to make changes as needed. Feb 10 parents can start setting appointments.

Favorite Article This Week —
My dad was a music teacher. I always loved watching him conduct his orchestras and bands. We are conductors in our classrooms. 

A Big Thank You —
Thank you to our Chinese Language teachers. I am always amazed when I come into your rooms, or even just stand outside your rooms and see the work you do. All the activity and engagement students do in your rooms. I am amazed at how well students speak, read, and write in Chinese. I hear parents talk about how they love that their student speaks and writes so well. I then think about all the work you put into your lessons and activities to help your students learn. That you for all you do for the students. To give them this opportunity and help them know they can accomplish hard things. Thank you for making our school amazing because you are here. Thank you for all that you do. Thank you.

Bonus Video
This man is Blind. Inspiration for the new year. Anything is possible for us and for all our students.

I appreciate all of you and your hard work.

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