Friday, August 21, 2020

Specials, Emergency!


Here is your weekly dose of “5-Point Friday. 

Specials, Emergency! —

Specials start on Monday. Please be at your Specials on time and stay with your class until they are sat down. Once they are sat, please come to the conference room and we will make sure you are able to get into R4R and My Math/Redbird through Schoology. One we are done you will need to pick up your students from specials. Please be on time so the specialists can clean their rooms for the next grade level. Please help them each day this week of specials.

Our first fire drill is on Friday morning. Yeah. I want to review the procedures so everyone is on the same page. Before the fire drill, please talk with your team to decide which yellow dot you will take your class too. There are 5 yellow dots on the West side of the track for each grade level. I will have grade level numbers on them Monday. Each dot is 6 feet apart. Please keep students an arm away from each other the best you can. Walk it through with your students before Friday.

When the bell rings, line up with masks/shields. We will have the fire drill early so it will be in the 80’s and not the 100’s.  Shut your locked inside door, turn off the lights and make sure your students walk in line to the Yellow Dot. It is not a race. Remember to take a minute to listen outside to make sure everything is ok before you walk out the door. If you are a sweeper, please make sure your team knows who has your class.

At the Yellow Dot, take roll to see if there are any students missing. If your class is all there, tell your team leader everyone is accounted for. If there is a student missing from your class and you know where they are, please tell your team leader and they will text it to Kim/Kelly/Annette/Glen so we can check. If there is a missing student and you are not sure where they are, tell your team leader and they will text that to Kim/Kelly/Annette/Glen to check where that student may be.

Please keep your classes calm and at a low roar so we can talk to the student if needed. You should be able to give them directions quickly, if needed. If you would like to have them sit in their line on the grass after you have taken roll, that is fine.

Please wait until A whistle is blown by an Office member. Once the whistle blows, please walk your students back to class. Boom, there it is. 

Even though it is a drill, we want students to know they are safe and they should treat it as an emergency.

Quote I’m pondering —

"She stood in the storm and when the wind did not blow her away, she adjusted her sails." -- Elizabeth Edwards

What’s Going On —

This Coming Week

In Two Weeks

Mon. August 24 - First Day of Specials

Mon. August 24 - Training during Specials

Tue. August 25 - Acadience New Assessor Training

Wed. August 26 - Acadience Assessor Review

Fri. August 28 - Fire Drill

Mon. August 24 - Annette Brinkman

Mon. August 24 - Acadience Testing Gr. K-1

Tue. August 25 - Acadience Testing Gr. 2-3

Wed. August 26 - Acadience Testing Gr. 4-5

Fri. August 28 - Fire Drill

Sept. 7 - Labor Day (No School)

Sept. 8 - WIN Time Starts

What I'm Reading This Week —

The Power of the Positive Phone Call Home

This strategy will end most behaviors and bring parents to your side every time. It is also a great habit to get into at the beginning of the year. A couple a week does the trick.

What I'm Watching This Week—

8 Secrets to Success

A quick 4 minutes of great thoughts and fun, with a little colorful language. I have his book if you want a quick read.

Thank you for all you do for students especially during this unprecedented time. It has been a stressful week because of the spreadsheet experience, but we got through it. I appreciate all of you and your hard work.

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