Friday, August 16, 2019

First Week Assessments? Check!


Here is your weekly dose of “5-Point Friday

First Week Assessments? Check! —
What a first week. I hope you were able to get your testing done, or at least get most of it done. We have a few aides will be able to help you. Please let me know if you need some help finishing up the testing. As you get this information put into the spreadsheet (change your size to 75% so you can see it better) it should give you a better picture of what needs your students have in literacy. This will help in all subject areas as we have students read and understand what they are doing. 

Quote I’m pondering —
“You can have anything you want if you are willing to give up the belief that you can't have it." -- Dr. Robert Anthony

What’s Happening —
This Coming Week
In Two Weeks
Mon. Aug. 19- First day of Kindergarten
Mon. Aug. 19 - First day of PE
Mon. Aug. 19 - Library and Computer Start
Turs. Aug. 22 - PE
Tues. Aug. 27 - Acadience testing (All day)
Wed. Aug. 28 - SEP Conf. 4-7pm
Thu. Aug. 29 - SEP Conf. 4-7pm
Fri. Aug. 30 - Evaluation Training 8am
Fri. Aug. 30 - PTA Room Mom Meeting 1:00
Upcoming Dates - Mon. Sept. 2 - Labor Day. No School

Favorite Smartphone Apps This Week —
You have read a lot this week and so I thought I would give you a list of apps to check out. This is a list of Apps on either Apple or Android devices. They are helpful in a lot of places. 
GasBuddy- This shows gas prices everywhere you go. Good to have on vacation or just to look at what prices are wherever you are.
Duolingo- If you don’t have this app it is a great way to learn a little Chinese, or Spanish, or even Navajo. Stretch your language usage. 
Star Chart- What a great app when you are outside at night looking at the stars. Or even during the day and you are learning about stars and planets. 
Snapseed- This is a photo editing app. If you like editing photos this is a pretty good one. 
Flush- Yes this is an app for finding the nearest public bathroom. You may think it is funny, but when you need one, this is the app to have. It does not tell you the name of the place you are going to, but there is a bathroom there.

A Big Thank You —
Thank you, teachers, aides, staff, and everyone for working to get everything done this first week of school. I appreciate all the work you put into your jobs. Please know that I appreciate what you do. From the lunch aides to the custodians to the teachers and secretaries. There is so much you do to make students successful and make this school a safe place for students to come every day. Thank you for all that you do. Thank you.

I appreciate all of you and your hard work.

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