Here is your weekly dose of “5-Point Friday.
Specials are Coming, Specials are Coming —
We are close to starting specials in the afternoon. This will be a learning experience for all of us. Please be patient as we get this started. We have 3 classes your grade levels will be going to. We understand there are 4 and 5 classes in each grade level. Please put your classes into 3 groups. Please review how to act in the specials classes. We would like you to walk your class to the first special and help them get situated in the class before going to your team meeting. Please pick them up at the end of Specials so you can take them back for the ending bell. Kim and Glen will meet with you at the first Team meeting each month. We will be starting Specials after Labor Day.
We will also start interventions right after Labor Day. During the team data meetings, we will get the students grouped according to their needs and start working on lessons for the students. If you have questions or concerns, please let me or Kim know. We want this to be as successful for the students and teachers as possible.
Quote I’m pondering —
"HOW we praise students can have a big impact on their mindset and achievement. Praise the effort." - Jo Boaler
What’s Happening —
This Coming Week
In Two Weeks
Tues. Aug. 27 - Acadience testing (All day)
Wed. Aug. 28 - Team Data 9-5th, 10-3rd, 11-1st
Wed. Aug. 28 - SEP Conf. 4-7pm
Thu. Aug. 29 - Team Data 9-2nd, 10-K, 11-4th
Thu. Aug. 29 - SEP Conf. 4-7pm
Fri. Aug. 30 - PTA Room Mom Meeting 1:00
Mon. Sep 2 - Labor Day (No School)
Tue. Sep. 3 - Afternoon Specials Start T-4th, W-2nd, Th-5th
Mon. Sep. 9 - First teachers training ½ day. School out at 1:15. We will have a guest presenter and then work on Professional Growth Plans.
Favorite Article This Week —
Here is an article to help with questioning in the classroom. I really like the cube. You will need to adjust for your grade level.
A Big Thank You —
Thank you, kindergarten teachers. What a week as you started your classes after getting them into the right places. We get the bus riders back to their parents and you have been amazing with the students. We appreciate your patience as we get help for you with your big classes. This will be an amazingly successful year. Thank you for the time you take with your students. Thank you for the love you give them as they start their first full ½ day in school. Thank you, kindergarten teachers, for all you do for your students. Thank you for all that you do. Thank you.
I appreciate all of you and your hard work.
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